Since 2014, the Majore Hotel has worked extensively to obtain the Legambiente’s certification of Eco-friendly Hotel in Sardinia. Legambiente acknowledged the efforts by the entire hotel staff to make the facility eco-friendly, complying with its “Tourism, Beauty, Nature” program.


The Hotel has been abiding by several tenets of the “Decalogue”, and it is committed to comply with all of them in the coming years.


The management’s effort stems from the conviction that tourism has a significant impact on the territory and landscape, just as any other activity, and that the environment, eco-friendly facilities and zero-impact hotels are now priorities for conscious travelers.


The Majore Hotel complies with Legambiente’s Guidelines, that envisage the implementation of responsible tourism best practices in the hotel.

The program to obtain Legambiente’s Tourism Eco-Label, and to make the Majore an eco-friendly hotel, fosters a reduction of the environmental impact and the promotion of the local region.

Here are the ten rules to follow, in collaboration with all guests.


logo-1 Waste

  • Sort waste according to type (organic, glass and plastic, cans, metal, paper-cardboard) and in the containers visibly positioned around the complex.

  • Use concentrated cleaning detergents and eco-friendly toilet paper (PFC, FSC, Ecolabel)

  • Eliminate single-dose packages for food service

  • Use eco-friendly office paper, (hemp paper, algae paper, recycle paper or FSC or PEFC, Eco-label, TUV certified paper)

  • During food service, use only returnable glass bottles and/or water dispensers

logo-2 Water

  • Install water-saving showers and sinks (at least 80%)

  • Use at least two references of eco-friendly products and/or two references of mechanical systems for cleaning (microfiber, steam, eco-friendly certified products)

  • Using written communications, raise awareness among clients and staff about water-saving measures

logo-3 Energy

  • Install Class A light bulbs, or higher, in every room where possible, and replace existing light bulbs.

  • Install energy-saving lighting technologies in 80% of the common areas (Class A light bulbs, LED lamps, photo beams, twilight switches, photovoltaic street lamps).

  • Displaying written communications in the rooms, invite the client to request linen change only when strictly necessary.

  • Install mechanisms to turn off the air-conditioning when windows are opened or the room is vacated, or invite clients to do so, using in-room signage.

  • Use condensing boilers in lieu of traditional boilers

logo-4 Safe food

  • Insert at least four organic and/or local products for breakfast, indicating them with appropriate signage.

  • Seasonal, organic fruits and vegetables, or GMO-free products grown with integrated pest management techniques.

  • Make organic products available at the bar (for example: coffee, the, fruit juices, snacks)

  • Make at least one organic dish available in the restaurant menu

  • Include at least one wine denomination produced from biological agriculture

  • Provide information on the companies that sell organic products (cellars, commercial farms with direct sales, farmer markets)

  • Include vegetarian/vegan dishes in the restaurant menu

  • Include dishes for people affected by celiac disease in the restaurant menu

  • Every day, include biscuits or cakes baked on site or locally in the breakfast buffet

logo-5 Eno-Gastronomy

  • At least once a week, propose a traditional dish, indicating it on the menu

  • Promote local specialties and products

  • Make local wines available

  • Provide written information on how to purchase local products or labeled products (DOP, IGP) on-site

logo-6 Shared Transport

  • Include on the website the necessary information to promote alternative means of transportation other than cars, in order to reach the locality (dedicated trains, bus lines, airplanes, shuttle services, etc.)

  • Provide written communications to clients on how to find public transportation tickets

  • Promote the car-sharing initiatives available in the area, via written communications

  • Organize a shuttle service available to guests

logo-7 Light transport

  • Provide written notice of bike rental services available in the area

  • Provide written notice of trails, bike lanes, natural itineraries for mountain biking and trekking available in the area.

  • Organize free or paid bike rental, at least every 1 per 5 rooms, and/or organize other collective transport options with low environmental impact

  • Promote public transport or collective transport opportunities available in the area, providing information to clients on the services and timetables


  • Abide by national and municipal regulations in regards to silent hours.

  • If music is played in common areas, keep a soft background

logo-9 Natural and cultural attractions

  • Promote cultural and/or natural attractions and events in the area, displaying relevant information materials

  • Directly sell and/or provide written information on how to purchase tickets for museums, palaces and historical sites, or organize bookings upon request.

  • Take part in the promotion of alternative tourist offers and local heritage.

  • Organize or promote guided tours to explore the territory

  • Ensure the availability of nature or scientific/educational publications (books or magazines) by creating a reading corner

  • Ensure the availability of publications (books or magazines) regarding the local cultural heritage

  • Provide information on how to properly enjoy and preserve beaches or other environmentally sensitive places in the area

loghi -tutti.fw Communication

  • Display and distribute to clients the information material included in the membership package sent by Legambiente Turismo

  • Include the Legambiente Turismo Logo on the hotel web site and/or promotional publications.

  • Send written communication to all partners about the company’s commitment to environmentally friendly practices, in order to foster conscious behaviors

  • Send written communication to the tourists about the company’s commitment to environmentally friendly practices, in order to foster conscious behaviors.

  • Provide clear and reliable written information on services available to guests with special needs (allergies, food intolerances, physical or mental disabilities).